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[News] Kim Hyun-joong, letter of tears "I only watched fans fight".

Written By 092505589 on Wednesday, June 8, 2011 | 5:12 AM

[News] Kim Hyun-joong, letter of tears "I only watched fans fight".
Cr. - hancinema

Kim Hyun-joong who has come back solo wrote a letter of appreciation and tears.

At his first showcase presenting his first mini album "Break Down" in Seoul on the 7th, he read out a letter to his fans.

He said, "I can show myself on stage but not convey my heart. So I've gathered the courage to write a letter to read to you what I want to say".

He read, "It's already been 6 years since I've been with you. I thank you all for not changing and believing in Kim Hyun-joong. I looked back on my path while preparing this album. I realized how important 'together' is".

He continued, "I felt afraid and burdened to do this along. It wasn't easy overcoming this. Watching my fans fighting and misunderstanding all throughout the past year, all I could do was watch and thought 'I can't do anything'" as he teared up.

Lastly he revealed his true feelings, "I thought of the happy fans listening to my music when I worked on this album. I hope you become happier. It's not my own but your album. I want to tell everyone here today that I love you and thank you".

Meanwhile, Kim Hyun-joong released his first solo title song "Break Down" in front of 4,000 or so fans at his showcase.

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