[VOD & News] Wu Zun & Rainie Yang 'Sunshine Angel' Releases Three Trailers.
Cr. - ockoala
The news broke last week that Sunshine Angel with Wu Zun and Rainie Yang would be airing in July, but I had no clue it would be airing starting July 6th. Which is next week! Boy those C-television stations move fast. Three more trailers have dropped, and I have officially verified in my mind that this is indeed a remake of Successful Story of a Bright Girl with Jang Hyuk and Jang Nara, complete with grandma getting mowed down by episode 2 and the whole fallen-on-hard times subplot.
I think I would have enjoyed Bright Girl more (since Hyuk was in it) but for the fact that I wanted to throttled Jang Nara’s excessive cute every single second she was onscreen. I think Rainie can balance the sweetness with her sassy better. Lastly, the other three Fahrenheit boys will be making a cameo appearance in the drama.
'Sunshine Angel' Releases Trailer 1.
'Sunshine Angel' Releases Trailer 2.
'Sunshine Angel' Releases Trailer 2.
'Sunshine Angel' Releases Trailer 2.
'Sunshine Angel' Releases Trailer 2.
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